Australia's Strategy for Nature 2019-2030 is the overarching framework for all national, state and territory and local strategies, legislation, policies and actions that target nature. The strategy builds on previous and existing work, and is underpinned by science. However, it also takes an approach that is new and very different from that taken previously. It moves away from a purely protection-based approach and strives to incorporate adaptation, resilience and natural resource management in our cities, rural and natural environments, on land and at sea.
National Goals
The strategy has three priority focus areas, or goals, underpinned by twelve objectives. The goals work together in continuous loops designed to reinforce each other. By connecting people with nature, we enhance their desire to care for nature, which in turn builds knowledge that can be shared to improve our care for nature and the benefits we receive from connecting with nature. Each objective has a number of progress measures, which will be used to track and report on the success of the Strategy.
Aichi Targets
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Sustainable Development Goals